Millie + Aaron

Is it weird if I think it was fate that Millie and Aaron hired me to do their wedding? Is it also weird that I'm pretty bummed their wedding is in a week, meaning I won't see them as often as I have? These two came into my life at a time when I really needed it and saved me from wanting to quit. They don't know this, but their kind words, trust in my abilities, fun personalities, and enduring love for each other brought me out of funk I didn't think I could shake. So, yes, I'm bummed my time is almost up with them, but I'm SO excited for their lives to start together! March 5th, take your time getting here ;) 

Film: Portra 400, Ilford Delta 400 || Cameras: Pentax 645n, 645nii, 67 || Lab: Indie Film Lab